Ongoing Book Sales

On-going Book Sale

The Friends operate an on-going book sale in the lower level hall of the Library whenever the Library is open. Prices are posted, and payments (or cash donations) are made in the special lock box.   Here's a chance to get fiction, non-fiction and children's books at great prices.  New stock is added each week!

We run our full book sales in the Fall and Spring (Friday nights through Sunday)

Come browse through thousands of books, search for popular and unique titles, and support the library at the same time.  There will be fiction, non-fiction, children’s books, CDs, DVDs, audio  - fill a bag for one low price; we also have our select books which can be purchased separately!  If you would like to volunteer and help us get ready for a sale, please e-mail us at and we will send you the link to sign up

Help is always needed!  No experience is necessary, only an interest in books! There will be a volunteer there to guide you - if you are interested in helping sort books throughout the year, please send us an e-mail:

To help at the fall or spring book sales, click the image below:

Financial Donations: To make a donation the Friends of the Library, please click the PayPal logo to donate through our PayPal account